Board-Certified Integrative Medicine
Concierge Menopause & Integrative Medicine Doctor
Newport Beach, California

Genbook verified user seal

These reviews are from verified customers of Dr. Shira Miller, Concierge Menopause and Integrative Medicine Doctor in Newport Beach.
Patient names have been suppressed to protect patient privacy.

The Best
Just simply the best doctor ever. She has been my doctor for 7 years now and has gone way above and beyond in everything. She is easy to talk to and most importantly listens to every detail and asks questions. She researches constantly to keep up to date and ahead of new advances. She never pushes any treatment or drug and encourages the patient to give input. Ten minutes or less is probably her average response time 24/7. Literally, she just SAVED MY LIFE. And a beautiful person. TU Dr. Miller.

Customer since Jun 2013

Best of the Best!
I have been a patient of Dr. Millers for a couple of years and she has uncovered several conditions that didn’t know I had. Too bad our primary care doctors have lost the art of listening. I value the ability to have a doctor that really knows me personally and doesn’t stop digging medically when I don’t feel well.
Customer since April 2016