These reviews are from verified customers of Dr. Shira Miller, Concierge Menopause and Integrative Medicine Doctor in Newport Beach.
Patient names have been suppressed to protect patient privacy.
The Best
Just simply the best doctor ever. She has been my doctor for 7 years now and has gone way above and beyond in everything. She is easy to talk to and most importantly listens to every detail and asks questions. She researches constantly to keep up to date and ahead of new advances. She never pushes any treatment or drug and encourages the patient to give input. Ten minutes or less is probably her average response time 24/7. Literally, she just SAVED MY LIFE. And a beautiful person. TU Dr. Miller.
Customer since Jun 2013
Best of the Best!
I have been a patient of Dr. Millers for a couple of years and she has uncovered several conditions that didn’t know I had. Too bad our primary care doctors have lost the art of listening. I value the ability to have a doctor that really knows me personally and doesn’t stop digging medically when I don’t feel well.
Customer since April 2016
Treated like royalty
I have been a patient of Dr. Miller’s for several years. She takes the time to review every detail of your health as if you are her only patient. Her compassion and genuineness are rare in a world of regimented medical care. She models what I wish other physicians would follow!
Customer since August 2014
Attention to detail
I have been a patient of Dr. Millers for several years. She continuously reviews the nuances of any health issues that arise and digs deep to find the underlying causes. Her attention to detail is impressive and very much appreciated!
Customer since August 2014
My experience with Dr Miller
I have been a patient of Dr. Miller for nine months. To say meeting her was life changing would be an understatement. I was at the end of my rope both physically and mentally . After meeting her I was instantly comfortable and after 24 hours I had began the journey back to myself. With Dr Miller I actually feel like I have a partner working with me in my health, not just a doctor that moves on after the first visit. One of her greatest attributes is that she listens! I highly recommend her!
Customer since June 2015
Dr. Miller is worth every penny!
I have just started seeing Doctor Miller. She listens to what I am saying and cares about what I think is going on in my body. She actively seeks to trouble-shoot and treat the overall problems rather than to mask the individual symptoms I experience. I felt some symptom relief within 12 hours of starting the treatment. I am now looking forward to my fifties as an adventure in newfound health!
Customer since March 2015
Whole health
I couldn’t recommend Dr. Miller highly enough! She treats the whole person, physically and emotionally, not content with focusing on surface symptoms or issues. The body is an integrated whole and this is how Dr. Miller practices medicine….to the benefit of her patients!
Customer since August 2014
Feeling great!
I came to Dr. Shira Miller about 10 months ago with severe migraines, fatigue and lots of personal intimacy issues. At 58 I felt that I would have to accept life the way it was. I can’t thank Dr. Miller enough for the changes in my body, the new found energy and substantial decline in health issues. There may be plenty of hormone doctors but I wanted one who was thorough and one that cared about me and my issues and I found that with Dr. Miller.
Customer since April 2016