by Shira Miller, M.D. | Mar 3, 2014 | Women
As a young medical student, I couldn’t wait for menopause. I couldn’t wait for the day when my monthly cycles would end and real freedom, on multiple levels, would finally begin. Then, during my training in integrative medicine, I learned what menopause...
by Shira Miller, M.D. | Sep 17, 2013 | Men, Women
Forever Health Doctor, Los Angeles, California – August 1, 2013. Dr. Shira Miller, a longtime supporter of Suzanne Somers, joins Suzanne Somers’ Forever Health Doctor Network – a group of selected physicians specializing in bioidentical hormones,...
by Shira Miller, M.D. | Nov 21, 2012 | Men, Women
Many parents are used to the idea of paying out-of-pocket for private schools to provide a better education for their children, even though they are already taxed to pay for public schools. Most people, however, are not yet used to the idea of paying out-of-pocket for...
by Shira Miller, M.D. | Nov 4, 2012 | Men, Women
Question: What’s the single most important blood test you should do, even if you think you are very healthy? Answer: 25-OH Vitamin D (Your Vitamin D Level) Vitamin D deficiency is an epidemic and everyone is at risk–from infants to the elderly. As most...
by Shira Miller, M.D. | Feb 28, 2012 | Women
Shira Miller, M.D. educates her baby boomer Facebook fans about aging, menopause, and bioidentical hormones – and debunks the idea that women ‘go through’ menopause. Los Angeles, CA – February 28, 2012 Anti-aging doctor, Shira Miller, M.D., now...
by Shira Miller, M.D. | Feb 7, 2012 | Women
January was a rewarding month! Many new and motivated patients joined my concierge menopause and anti-aging practice, my patients doing the new HCG fat loss program lost an average of 15 pounds (!) in 26 days, my husband and I attended childbirth classes, and I won...