Board-Certified Integrative Medicine
Concierge Menopause & Integrative Medicine Doctor
Newport Beach, California

How Much Sleep Do I Need?

Studies show that when given the opportunity, such as 14 hours of controlled dark nights with no distractions, healthy adults sleep an average of about 8 hours per night. However, optimal sleep time is also individual. A good way to find out if you’re getting...

Sex and the City and Bioidentical Hormones

If you haven’t already seen Sex and the City 2, the movie offers more than just fun, laughs, and woman-power–it provokes thought on an important medical issue. In one of the wild storylines, Samantha Jones (played by Kim Cattrall) is going through...

Get Your Vitamin D Level in 3 Days or Less

You probably already know whether or not you have high cholesterol. Unfortunately, and this is more important than high cholesterol in my opinion, only the most progressive and proactive patients know if they have Vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin...