Board-Certified Integrative Medicine
Concierge Menopause & Integrative Medicine Doctor
Newport Beach, California

Menopause: It’s Not Just a Phase

Many women believe that if they just power through menopause, then everything will be okay. Contrary to popular belief, however, menopause is not a temporary phase, and "post-menopause" is a misnomer. Menopause actually lasts forever. Menopause is the time during a...

Look More Attractive & Healthy, Overnight

We are 3 days and 3 nights away from Christmas. What could I possibly recommend now that would improve your appearance so quickly? Well, rest assured, I won’t be suggesting you purchase a new makeup product, start a new exercise routine, do a new crash diet or...

Hot Flash Havoc: A Film of Menopausal Proportions

The new menopause documentary Hot Flash Havoc has enjoyed special screenings and will be available on DVD in January of 2011. Based on the trailer, seems like the movie will be quite entertaining and actually defending the use of bio-identical hormones. I look forward...