Board-Certified Integrative Medicine
Concierge Menopause & Integrative Medicine Doctor
Newport Beach, California

I’m a Cenegenics-trained doctor with a concierge medical practice in Los Angeles, CA.

I recently found this video of Cenegenics doctor, Dr. Jeffry Life, on the Dr. Phil show. The segment is called “What Happened to my Hot & Sexy Husband? UPDATE” and chronicles how Dr. Life helps two obese, diabetic, and fatigued husbands change their ways and reverse their medical problems. I used to work with Dr. Life at Cenegenics Medical Institute in Las Vegas, NV, and I can tell you these Cenegenics results are for real. I am able get the same amazing results with my patients in Los Angeles and it is SO rewarding!

Please note: In my practice I do not need or require daily resistance weight training to achieve very similar results, unless one wants to be buff. Also, in terms of the usual Cenegenics pricing, my small practice in Los Angeles allows for lower overhead costs which are transferred to my patients.

Shira Miller, M.D.

Sherman Oaks, CA


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